

As we expected, last week we sent off the last drop of oil from the 2016 harvest.

This means that our cellars are totally EMPTY! That’s right. No more I SERGENTI oil for this year. On the one hand, this is a sign of its quality and the demand. Yet, when the courier passed by to pick up the LAST bottles to take them to Tokyo we felt a bit deflated. We couldn’t help but think “what now?”, “what about the rest of us?”

All of you that that ordered in advance and during the year managed to get your oil. Those that waited until the end of the season to catch the sales were left high and dry! Just a couple of weeks ago we got the umpteenth email asking if the price had gone down at the end of the season. I’ll say it once and for all: the price of IL TRADIZIONALE oil is directly connected to its real value and there are not and will not be discounts for leftovers! It is true that by this time of year, most extra-virgin olive oils have lost much of their quality, but this is not the case for I SERGENTI oil, or only in the tiniest measure. Our followers know that, thanks to our filtering and to our conservation, the olfactory and sensory properties of our oil are preserved almost obsessively.

Anyone that wants to buy low cost oil can choose from millions of low quality bottle available now; not from us.

However, there will be promotions for our clients, for our customers that are orientated towards a healthy lifestyle. For the new season, we are already planned some special offers for people that want to put our oil on their tables.

It’s time to think about our next harvest that, despite the dry summer, we are expecting to be of excellent quality. The quantity won’t be huge, since there has been so little water. However, the fact that there have been no flies, together with the dry season mean that the quality is going to be above average. If you want to purchase our oil, you can contact us and we will keep you up to date about the harvest and when we expect the oil to be ready. If you pre-order, there will be a surprise: a free-gift that we want to give to our customers. Write to us at

See you all for the new harvest!